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Your Digital Growth.

Audit • Strategy • Campaign Setup & monitoring • Optimization, A/B Testing • Report & Analysis

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The Social Marketing Journey

The Social Marketing Journey

The “Social Marketing Journey” is the series of steps your customers will go through when interacting with your brand.

Whatever the Social Media platform on which you want to develop your brand, the conversation that you will start and maintain with your prospects and customers will take very similar forms.

Throughout the journey, the user will perform actions on your content. He will grow in maturity and commitment to your brand until he becomes a loyal customer.

The objective of each step is to push your target audience to perform a maximum of qualifying actions that will mark their passage to the next step. These actions are then stored in “audiences” which will be targeted in the next step of the journey.

Each step has a goal. For each objective, an advertising format.

Our Expertise

Building and growing a brand on Social Media can take huge budget and effort. It’s important to make the right choices from the begining in order to reduce risk and maximize benefit for your business. We want you to use a budget that is well thought out and based on the results you want to achieve. Therefore we recommend several scenarios based on real data for you to decide where to put your media budget and efforts. You will see a significant difference in your growth.

Awareness & Video Campaigns

Awareness and Video Views are key elements of social media strategy. They are your first point of contact with future customers and your conversation starters.

We want you up for a great start! Address the right audience with the right content at the right moment for the minimum cost.

While building your brand as top of mind, you will nurture an audience for future steps in the purchase process. And your brand will take off.

Engagement Campaigns

Engagement campaigns are the foundation of Social Media advertising. You just have to know how to master them. We offer you sustainable engagement campaigns with relevant targets and customer loyalty. You will optimize your media budget on a daily basis. You will decide on the results you wish to obtain and we will optimise to get those goals.

Lead Ads Campaigns

"When we stop advertising our business dies". Have you ever had that feeling? We want you to build your brand's assets while growing your revenue. Lead Ads campaign do just that. While they bring directy ROI, Lead Ads campaigns also nurture your prospect base for you to contact without any media budget. You will see your sales grow considerably while maintain direct connexion and conversation with your prospects.

Traffic & Conversion Campaigns

Traffic and ROI are the pinnacle of your media campaign and deserve the biggest effort. Every impression of your messages is an opportunity to sell. We want you to attract new customers, retain existing ones and reactivate old ones. We'll dedicate our years of experience and our evolving tools and methods to this goal. We'll dive into your customer flow to experiment, test and understand what makes your brand unique, so we can identify opportunities for improvement. You'll see your visits and sales increase dramatically.

Web 2.0 Store Campaigns

Profitability of physical stores is at stake with the explosion of E-commerce. We propose you to leverage digitial to drive physical traffic to point of sale with geolocated "Web to Store" campaigns on social media. This will allow you to encourage additional sales while continuing the conversation started online with your buyers.

Sponsored Influence Campaigns

Using a Influencers or Ambassadors to build your brand is a must have. But did you know that their content only reaches a maximum of 10% of their community? We propose you to reach 100%. And this as many times as you want. And on as many influencers as you wish. We offer you to advertise using the influencers content and audience. You will multiply by 10 at least the performance of your current campaigns.

Our Expertise

Awareness & Video Campaigns

Awareness and Video Views are key elements of social media strategy. They are your first point of contact with future customers and your conversation starters.

We want you up for a great start! Address the right audience with the right content at the right moment for the minimum cost.

While building your brand as top of mind, you will nurture an audience for future steps in the purchase process. And your brand will take off.

Engagement Campaigns

Engagement campaigns are the foundation of Social Media advertising. You just have to know how to master them.

We offer you sustainable engagement campaigns with relevant targets and customer loyalty.

You will optimize your media budget on a daily basis. You will decide on the results you wish to obtain and we will optimise to get those goals.

Lead Ads Campaigns

"When we stop advertising our business dies".

Have you ever had that feeling? We want you to build your brand's assets while growing your revenue.
Lead Ads campaign do just that. While they bring directy ROI, Lead Ads campaigns also nurture your prospect base for you to contact without any media budget. You will see your sales grow considerably while maintain direct connexion and conversation with your prospects.

Traffic & Conversion Campaigns

Traffic and ROI are the pinnacle of your media campaign and deserve the biggest effort. Every impression of your messages is an opportunity to sell. We want you to attract new customers, retain existing ones and reactivate old ones.
We'll dedicate our years of experience and our evolving tools and methods to this goal. We'll dive into your customer flow to experiment, test and understand what makes your brand unique, so we can identify opportunities for improvement. You'll see your visits and sales increase dramatically.

Sponsored Influence Campaigns

Using a Influencers or Ambassadors to build your brand is a must have. But did you know that their content only reaches a maximum of 10% of their community?

We propose you to reach 100%. And this as many times as you want. And on as many influencers as you wish.

We offer you to advertise using the influencers content and audience.

You will multiply by 10 at least the performance of your current campaigns.

Web 2.0 Store Campaigns

Profitability of physical stores is at stake with the explosion of E-commerce.

We propose you to leverage digitial to drive physical traffic to point of sale with geolocated "Web to Store" campaigns on social media.

This will allow you to encourage additional sales while continuing the conversation started online with your buyers.


The Social Marketing Journey

For the sake of productivity and efficiency for our customers, we have developed and formatted a pragmatic method based on our 12 years of experience with our customers. It’s a scalable method that follows the evolution of platforms and customers business models.

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Adaptable to Context

More than 120 sheets adapted to the majority of situations encountered

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Adapted to the ambition and nature of the campaigns

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Adapting to innovation​

With each novelty (format, mechanics, tracking, etc…) we adapt our method

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Customer needs​

Adaptable to the needs of our customers

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Planned for Growth​

Covering all stages of the customer journey from setup to optimization
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Client Maturity​

Adapted to the client according to their degree of maturity of their activity

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Contemplates each existing and emerging platform


The Social Marketing Journey

For the sake of productivity and efficiency for our customers, we have developed and formatted a pragmatic method based on our 12 years of experience with our customers. It’s a scalable method that follows the evolution of platforms and customers business models.

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Adaptable to Context

More than 120 sheets adapted to the majority of situations encountered

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Adapted to the ambition and nature of the campaigns

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Adapting to innovation​

With each novelty (format, mechanics, tracking, etc…) we adapt our method

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Customer needs​

Adaptable to the needs of our customers

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Planned for Growth​

Covering all stages of the customer journey from setup to optimization
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Client Maturity​

Adapted to the client according to their degree of maturity of their activity

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Contemplates each existing and emerging platform


Onboarding at Social Ads


We Have Clients In All Sectors​

We proudly delivered in the last 12 month:

Ad Spent
$ 0 M
0 M
Video Views
0 M
0 M
0 M

Are You Ready To Launch Your Campaign?​

Téléchargez notre GUIDE GRATUIT pour tirer le meilleur des campagnes de Lead Ads

16 Exemples de Lead Ads Instagram et Facebook pour booster vos listes d’email.

25 pages de conseils, methodes, best practises et illustrations réunies par les experts de Social Ads. 

16 Exemples de Lead Ads Instagram et Facebook pour booster vos listes d’email.

* Champs requis

25 pages de conseils, methodes, best practises et illustrations réunies par les experts de Social Ads.